FURTHER INFO AND STUFF If you find this antique pistols project useful or interesting, a contribution would be much appreciated. Please send to: Robert McCrory PO Box 1383 Ardmore, OK 73402 405 223 3384 Those who contribute $5 will receive a full size drawing of one of the pistols - our choice. Those who contribute $10 may choose the drawing they want from the first ten in the list of file names. Those who contribute $20 will receive a set of ten drawings, complete with descriptive text. The drawings are on heavy paper measuring 9« by 22 inches. Any contribution will place you on our mailing list for future items now in preparation. We do not sell our mailing list. Comments or suggestions in writing or by phone will be appreciated. All the drawings are the complete version with title and peripheral sketches. The "clean" drawings and numbers 11, 12 and 13 have not been printed and are not available at this time. As mentioned elsewhere, some of the drawings were done in the Tower of London of pieces in the Tower collection. The others were of pieces in private hands, mine and other collectors. This project was done by reducing the full size drawings small enough to scan them with a hand scanner. The scanned drawings were edited in the Windows Paintbrush program.